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How to change a script from using Sendmail to use Net::SMTP instead

To convert a script from using sendmail, to using Net::SMTP, do the following.

Towards the top of the script, add this:
use Net::SMTP;

Then, comment out the Sendmail code that looks like this (shown commented):

#open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram");
#print MAIL "To: $youremail\n";
#print MAIL "From: $FORM{'Email'}\n";
#print MAIL "Subject: Subject goes here\n";
#print MAIL "The body of the email...\n\n";
#print MAIL "goes here.\n\n";
#close MAIL;

Then, add the following code for Net::SMTP to use:

my $MailHost = "smtpmailer.hostek.net";
my $MailFrom = $FORM{'Email'};
my $MailTo = $youremail;
my $subject = "Subject goes here";
my $MailBody = "The body of the email...\n\n";
$MailBody = $MailBody . "goes here.\n\n";

$smtp = Net::SMTP->new($MailHost);

# Send the From and Recipient for the mail servers that require it
print $MailFrom;

# Start the mail

# Send the header.
$smtp->datasend("To: $MailTo\n");
$smtp->datasend("From: $MailFrom\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");

# Send the message

# Send the termination string

That should be it.

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